Thursday, December 7, 2006

Something is bothering me today and it's not my weight

It's amazing how much anti-semitism I encounter on a daily basis from ordinary people. I expected it in university where the Jews are the scapegoat for every pet cause, but I didn't expect it in real life. I grew up in a conservative Christian town (I was considered an oddity there--a Jew and a liberal), but my ethnic origins never once came up as a point of issue or were used as an ad hominim attack against me in a disagreement. In university my voice was invalid because the university is dominated by leftists and in the leftist version of reality, JEWS are the sole producers of racism, human rights violations, war, poverty and environmental degradation in the entire world. All the hatred I encountered everyday in uni (the spitting, the yelling, the accusations, the lies and the physical attacks on Jews and Jewish religious buildings and symbols, including a Holocaust memorial!)led me to leave America and go to Israel for a few years. Israel bears no resemblance to its depiction on college campuses or on CNN, BBC, Sky News, et al. Anyhow, I'm back in America now and living in a lefty-dominated Big City. The hate is spewing my way again and not surprisingly, it is emanating from left-leaning individuals. Although I'm still registered as a Democrat, I voted straight Republican in the last election, even if I wasn't familiar with the candidate because the vibe I'm getting from Democrats these days is that the Democrats wouldn't hesitate to send me to a gas chamber if they had half a chance.

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